Sunland Seeds
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Simba is an outstanding variety that has proven itself for over a decade. Simba produces dark green fleshy pods that are ideally suited to mechanical harvesting. With extremely high Rust resistance and Halo Blight and Summer death tolerance ensures that Simba will produce marketable pods even when pressured by disease. The uniform dark green glowing colour from the pods holds in the box all the way to the supermarket, and its quality stands out against all competitors. Simba is still one of Australia's most popular bean varieties.

Pod size is 13-14cm long, and 9-10mm wide. Pods are mid to dark green, with a pubescence which helps prevent wind rub damage. For best results, it is best not to grow Simba during the hottest time of the year. In the majority of areas, Spring and Autumn harvesting will achieve the best results.

Simba has excellent rust tolerance and is Summer Death resistant.

Simba is protected by Plants Breeders Rights (PBR)

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